Canonically known as the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary, the Rosary Society is open to all practicing Catholics who wish to promote, in every way, devotion to Mary through the rosary. The meetings are held the third Sunday of every month after 10:00 a.m. Mass. The Rosary Society serves the Church by providing for the needs of the Liturgical space.
The aim of the Home School Association (HSA) is to form an open relationship between the parents, faculty and administration of Saint James School. Board meetings take place several times a year, as do general membership meetings. Fund raising events are sponsored throughout the year to support our school.
The purpose is to collect and preserve parish memorabilia, to organize parish archives, to obtain photos, news articles and other historical information concerning the establishment of the parish, its roots and strong presence in the Woodbridge community; to record current history of the parish and to give parishioners a rich heritage to look upon and to keep the spirit of our church history alive. Watch for exhibits and read historical facts in the bulletin.
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is a national organization of Catholic women whose motto is "Unity and Charity" and whose program theme is "Heart Speaks to Heart" --Apostolate-Community-Renewal-Youth! Membership is open to all practicing Catholic women eighteen years or older. The local chapter is Court Mercedes #769, with headquarters at the Knights of Columbus building on the corner of Main Street and Amboy Avenue. Meetings are held from September to June on the third Wednesday at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Catholic Daughters foster and support priestly and religious vocations. Scholarships and education contests: art, poetry, essay, poster; are offered at the local, state and national level. No social concern is too small or too large for Catholic Daughters.
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic organization open to men of the parish. It is a non-profit organization, working for the church and the community. It also supports vocations through prayer and financial assistance. The group meets the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 8:00 p.m. at its headquarters on the corner of Main Street and Amboy Avenue.