"Faith and Action" - (St. James 2:14)
In union with the Holy Trinity and with one another, we, the people of the St. James School of Religion, are called by God to pass on the gift of faith by word and deed with our parish community. In the words of St. James, we work at being true witnesses of Christ through “faith and action”.
By fostering the love of Jesus and following His teachings, we welcome all children to our program regardless of family economic status. By living the example of the Holy Family, we understand the need to nurture and support each other in our family of faith.
"My brothers and sisters, what good is it to profess faith without practicing it?"
We would appreciate your cooperation in the following areas to insure a productive and successful year for your child:
Regular attendance is essential. Religious education classes must be given first priority. Athletic and social activities are not an excuse for continuous absence or early dismissal. We have about 26 hours in which to help educate your child. Please do not allow him/her to miss class without good reason. All children are required to pass an end-of-the-year test. If three (3) or more unexcused absences occur for grades 1 to 8, the child will either need to be tested or interviewed in order to continue on to the next grade level, or will need to repeat the year. Please call the School of Religion office (732) 634-3026 X351 if your child is going to be absent, in order to make us aware of the situation. Instructions will be given to you about making arrangements for missed class work and homework. Religious Education is a continuous program. Grades 1 through 8 are required.
Attend Mass weekly with your child. No program can take the place of the example set in the home. There will be CHILDREN’S WORSHIP BULLETINS at the four side exits of the church. Please help your child to make use of these bulletins to help them understand the readings at Mass each week.
The School of Religion office hours are: Monday*, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10:00AM to 3:00PM. The office is closed on Wednesdays. Our religious education class hours are:
Mondays 5:30-6:45PM for Grades 1-5 and 7:00-8:30PM for Grades 6-8. Special needs classes are scheduled as necessary.
*The Religious Education Office is open on Monday from 1:00PM - 9:00PM when classes are in session.*
Registration for First Graders takes place annually at the end of April. A copy of the Baptismal certificate (even if your child was baptized here at St. James) and the registration fee (please refer to the tuition schedule) is required. Re-registration forms for all other grade levels are sent in the mail in the Spring. If this paperwork is not sent to the Religious Education Office by the deadline in May, a $25.00 LATE FEE will be required. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to the late fee. The tuition fee, (our policy is sent to you every year with your re-registration forms), is to be paid with your re-registration forms (or new family registration forms). There is a fee for the sacramental years - $50.00 for 2nd grade, $35.00 for 7th grade and $50.00 for 8th grade. (The fee includes Confirmation gown, retreat fees, sacramental paperwork and programs, etc.)
If there is legitimate financial difficulty, parents/guardians are asked to make an appointment with the Parish Catechetical Leader and/or Pastor to discuss billing options or financial hardships.
The parent/guardians of children in the sacrament grades are required to attend our education sessions. Any child who is receiving a sacrament, needs to attend all previous years of Religious Education, i.e., 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th,7th and 8th, in order to comprehend a total understanding of the faith life they will live out. If any levels are missed, the child will be tested and placed in their appropriate grade level until they are ready to receive the sacrament.
Students transferring from a religious education program into the religious education program offered by St. James must bring a letter from the former parish stating the years attended and grade level completed as well as the most recent Progress Report for each child enrolling in the St. James School of Religion.
If you find it necessary to leave our program for any reason, you must notify our office immediately. We will forward the appropriate transfer paperwork directly to the new religious education program your child will be attending, and adjust our records accordingly.
We absolutely need assistance for all our programs. With the number of students enrolled in the Religious Education program, we need your help. In cooperation with the Office of Child and Youth Protection of the Diocese of Metuchen, all catechists/aides, volunteers and employees of the St. James School of Religion Program must have a background check and be fingerprinted through the agency designated by the Diocese. All catechists/aides, volunteers and employees of the St. James School of Religion must also attend a Protecting God’s Children Workshop as well as additional workshops provided throughout the year as determined by the School of Religion and Diocesan guidelines. Fingerprints are required to be re-certified EVERY 3 years as per Diocesan guidelines.
School of Religion 732-634-3026
Dorothy Zmigrodski, Director (Ext. 350)
Linda Donnelly, Secretary (Ext. 351)